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Community > Java Community > Giridhar Voonna
Giridhar Voonna

Giridhar Voonna

Delivery Manager
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Family Background
My wife is a house maker and I have two lovely kids studying in 2nd and 7th class respectively.
Required Reading
I recommend for end to end reference material and software for for J2EE design patterns reference. My all time favourite books in J2EE and EAI space are: Professional J2EE EAI by Ramesh Nagappan
Role Model
My role model is our missionary school's Father, Mathews Alaphat. He always says " Hardwork is hallmark for great success"..We have been following the same principle from childhood.
Plans for the Future
I want to become Account Head for atleast 50 million account and owning complete account with end to end responsibilities.
Areas for the Future
J2EE with EAI combo is always hot cake in market. If we can combine these solutions with cloud computing would be great advantage.
Technology Trends
SOA and Cloud Computing
Work Life Balance
Work life balance is very important in everyone's life to have a healthy atmosphere at both ends. I love to take my family to malls, movies and parks during weekends. Last month, took one month leave and took them to USA for a vacation.
Scope Of Java
JAva with android based applications
Current Role
Customer connect, Account mining, end to end delivery
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