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Awards > Nominees > Shweta Garg
Shweta Garg

Shweta Garg

Software Engineer
Techjini Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
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Family Background
My father is a building contractor. My mother is home maker. My elder sister is CA and working in Nayar & Co, Indore. My younger sister is also CA and working in Vmware, Bangalore.
Contribution to the field
I am working in Techjini Solutions as android developer. I have worked on android development, iOS automation, android automation and php. I am also part of freshers training for android and iOS.
Advice for upcoming professionals
I always prefer to concentrate on basics of programing, because once one knows basics it is easy to grasp a language.
Work life Management
I plan my work on daily basis in such a way that I will get 3 hours for myself to spend on physical activity and my hobbies. As this works stress buster for me.
Current Role
As a developer I am coding and leading the team, parallel to that I also work with training panel to train freshers.
Changes in professional environment
Due to smart phones and tablet device exposure these days freshers have basic knowledge about technologies, which we learn during our professional career growth.
Your role model
My mother (Madhu garg), she inspires me. She is full of patience, devoted to her work, like a tree who knows only to give happiness to others. I learned from her how to be happy in every situation.
The Big Question
Its being couple of years to start my career so I feel there is lot more to achieve.
The Most Important Game
I always love to face challenges, on the same lines once we caught in a situation where we had an option to solve or scrap the code, and the team was loosing hopes so I took a lead and brought everyone on same pace to work together and finally we achieved the solution.
Effective decision
I would not call myself successful however I proud to make a decision of changing my stream from teaching to development. It gives me wow feeling when I see people using the apps developed by me.
My Road map ahead
I always enjoy working on different technologies and till now it compliments to my career. So I see myself sown the lane as a technical architect so that I can train the upcoming professionals in a better way.
Areas for the Future
I believe any one can learn the language as and when required if one knows the basics and benefits of Object Oriented Programing.
Learning’s/ Knowledge gaining
I am luck enough to have hands on different technologies and got a chance to manage a project independently. This helped me to improve my personality and work management.
Additional Certifications
I would strongly recommend to appear for SCJP.
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